Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Moving to Wordpress

For the brand new personal/business blog of SelfReliant, check out Any content, accounting or otherwise, that relates to my entrepreneurial adventure, will make an appearance there.

If you'd like to connect to me (Alex Kaufman) on LinkedIn check out my profile at

Monday, January 21, 2008

Purchasing Peachtree Accounting

Perhaps the only significant development that's worth posting about here is the purchase of Peachtree Accounting software for keeping the books for SelfReliant. I also have the help of an accountant, and will be working with her to learn Peachtree and to determine what I can post to this blog. Peachtree Pro cost the company just over $200, and further costs and revenues will be documented here in real-time. I appreciate any comments you may have on the finances of this company, and hope SR's numbers provide SelfReliant observers with insights for their own online ventures.

NB - QuickBooks is of course the other top accounting software out there for small businesses, and provides a free accounting package for tiny companies, but Peachtree is another industry standard (by Sage Software) and it's the platform my accountant is most familiar with.